Informacje podstawowe
Nazwa firmy: CCMS
Branża działalności: Usługi
Community Case Management Services Ltd (CCMS) is a specialist provider of case management for the rehabilitation of severely injured adults and children throughout the United Kingdom, Europe and Worldwide. CCMS provides quality-of-life solutions for a wide range of clients who have suffered catastrophic / complex and life-changing injuries such as acquired brain injury, spinal cord injury or loss of limb. At CCMS, we ensure that the highest level and quality of care is provided and tailored to individual needs. Our services support our clients with their high level of complex and medical needs and ensures that they are encouraged and given the opportunity to live their lives to the full.
Dane adresowe siedziby
Kraj: Polska
Kod pocztowy: 37-700
Województwo: Podkarpackie
Miejscowość: Przemyśl
Dane kontaktowe
Fax: Brak
Email: Brak
Strona WWW: Brak
Facebook: Brak
Google Plus: Brak
Osoba kontaktowa
Imie i nazwisko: Brak
Numer telefonu: Brak
Numer telefonu kom.: Brak
Adres email: Brak
Numer Gadu-Gadu: Brak
Skype: Brak
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Starszy Rekruter

Miejsce pracy: Rzeszów

Nr ref.: OFERTA-21/02/2025/8514